Are you thinking about relocating when you retire? If you are, you’re not alone. Millions of over-50s are planning to move away from their current home as a direct result... read more →
The age you can access defined contribution (DC) pensions is rising. Research suggests that many people are unaware of this, but it could affect your retirement plans. At the moment,... read more →
Back in May, I felt happy and content. Now I feel anxious and frustrated. A lot has changed in three months. It was inevitable, to be honest, and I should... read more →
When you’re making financial decisions, one of the challenges is understanding the impact that it could have on your long-term finances. Not understanding the impact means you’re unsure what you... read more →
Financial planning is about much more than simply growing your wealth. Not only can it reduce financial worry, but it can help you achieve long-term goals, reduce stress levels, and... read more →
House prices have reached record highs this year. While you may be pleased the value of your home is increasing, it may also mean you now need to consider Inheritance... read more →
There are many excellent reasons to save into a pension. One of them is the tax relief you benefit from, but many pension savers are overlooking this valuable boost to... read more →
What are your plans for your first few years of retirement? Being able to take a tax-free lump sum from your pension can open up a whole host of possibilities.... read more →
Pension Awareness Day is just around the corner and is the perfect time to review your pension to make sure you’re getting the most out of it. So, ahead of... read more →
While some lockdown restrictions are still in place, things are slowly returning to “normal”. Since Covid-19 measures were first introduced in March 2020, you may have missed some things you... read more →